Buying, Selling and Valuing Schools and ELL Businesses

Simon Moran, CEO and founder of Modern English, has worked in the industry in Japan since 1995. He has built a franchise school chain and an international publishing business and been involved in the set up, purchase, sale and brokering of over 30 schools. Join him to find out common metrics to value schools and ELL businesses. Let him help you put a value on your English school or ELL business and show how being part of a conglomerate could help a sale. Featuring Slide Presentation, spreadsheet valuation workshop and Q+A.

The slides: Buying, Selling, Valuing Schools and ELL Businesses

The valuation spreadsheet.

How to make all language classrooms places where International dialogue occurs

Virtual Exchange (VE) for language education is where individual students, either by themselves or in groups, interact via the Internet with student peers in other countries but, importantly, under the tutelage of their teacher. There are many examples of it and in this session I would outline some that have been presented at the APVEA conferences and elsewhere in addition to outlining the IVEProject. VE is an incredible way to ensure your language classroom becomes a place where students are excited to learn because they know they will have to use the language they are studying to interact with international peers. How this happens, the benefits of incorporating VE, and information on the IVEProject will all be covered in this session.

Transforming Teaching with Coaching Conversations

Intoducing professional coaching and neuroscience into the learning can greatly impact the process making it more learner centric and provoking more ownership of the learning. Transforming the way that we communicate with coaching conversations can really empower and stimulate learners. This workshop will introduce some powerful changes to the way that educators communicate.

SNAFU: Curriculum Committees

SNAFU: On being the guy jean leading a new curriculum committee in the time of Covid.

ALTs + ICT: Classroom Practices and Challenges

Students in Japan have now access to digital devices (laptops/tablets) in the classroom. Schools however are struggling to adapt to the change, facing privacy concerns and a general lack of training. But how does this affect Assistant Language Teachers and foreign language education? The goal of this session is to collect the voices of ALTs around Japan, sharing practices, ideas and why not, stories of success and failure!

Digitizing the 学級日誌

Every high school homeroom has one… a big book or binder that gets passed around from student to student day after day for the purpose of recording the day’s happenings. I was challenged with digitizing this book as part of a paperless initiative by my school’s administration. The result is a Google Spreadsheet that students access through Google Classroom, using macros to simplify the daily updating process by the teacher.

This session will walk you through the process and allow you to experience how to record a macro in Google Spreadsheets. So, even if you are not a high school homeroom teacher, you may still be able to walk away with an idea on how to simplify an aspect of your own daily routine.

This session will require access to a Google Drive account. If you would like to walk with me through the macro recording process, please make a copy of the Google Sheet into your Drive linked below before the start of the session and make sure you can access it during the session. A device with a keyboard is recommended.

Productivity and efficiency: apps, tips, and hacks for getting it all done

When workloads suddenly seemed to triple in March 2020 and there were barely enough hours in the day to fit all the preparation, teaching, and marking that we all had to do, we had to learn some new tricks pretty fast, right? A number of apps and organization techniques came to the rescue and kept my head just above the water throughout that chaotic year and into 2021.With the help of the tools and techniques I put into place just to get through each week, I’m now finding that my productivity and efficiency are just blazing, and I’m getting everything done without stress, anxiety, or the exhaustion of juggling ten balls at once.I’d like to share what I’ve learned and developed over the last 18 months that has made my professional life as smooth and frictionless as I think I could reasonably hope for! I’m going to discuss mainly iOS apps, but they’ll have Android/Windows equivalents: 2Do, 1Timer, Reminders, Hindsight, and a Keynote planning hack.The way I’ve come to use these indispensable tools is already proving to be my main pandemic takeaway.If there’s time, let’s discuss your productivity hacks, too.

Supporting adults with ADHD

A workshop facilitated by the mighty team of: Gretchen Clark, Alex Burke, and Karmen Siew 🙂 This workshop is about living with ADHD and how it might affect our own working style as teachers and our students’ study style. The session will begin with a brief summary about the behaviors those with ADHD might exhibit and then we’ll discuss teaching tactics to support and maximize the strengths of the ADHD student. The speakers will also relate their own experiences to contextualize this session within the field of education. The session will be interactive to an extent. Those who wish to participate can either communicate verbally or in the chat. It is perfectly fine to simply listen! We will not be using breakout rooms. It is not necessary to come to the session and turn on your camera or write your real screen name if you are concerned about privacy. This session will not be recorded.

Thank you to everyone who came and participated! 🙂 Please find our slides below and don’t hesitate to contact us with further questions or comments. Our email addresses are on the final slide.